PPB - The Pearl of the Pacific Boracay
PPB stands for The Pearl of the Pacific Boracay
Here you will find, what does PPB stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Pearl of the Pacific Boracay? The Pearl of the Pacific Boracay can be abbreviated as PPB What does PPB stand for? PPB stands for The Pearl of the Pacific Boracay. What does The Pearl of the Pacific Boracay mean?The based company is located in engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of PPB
- PCI- PCI Bridge
- Plasma Protein Binding
- Planning, Programming, and Budgeting
- Planning, Programming, and Budgeting
- Portland Police Bureau
- Pardon and Parole Board
- Pardon and Parole Board
- Button bar for Print Preview (WordPerfect for Win)
View 72 other definitions of PPB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- PWCTC Parkway West Career and Technology Center
- PCAB Portsmouth Citizens Advice Bureau
- PSCI Presidia Security Consulting Inc.
- PCS Prime Corporate Services
- PDS Precise Downhole Services
- PGLPL Prime Global Logistics Pty Ltd
- PR Perfumes of Rarotonga
- PCI Personal Communications Inc.
- PDA Profile Digital Agency
- PCL Partners in Communication LLC
- PK Produce for Kids
- PDCL Plastic Data Card Limited
- PDM Purple Dragon Media
- PAHED Penn Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy
- PGSL Pharos Generator Services Limited
- PML Power Machinery LLC
- PHLRPTU Public Health Law Research Program at Temple University
- PELL Petro Equipment Logistics Limited
- PSP Puget Sound Plants
- PHP Pioneer Hygiene Products